Not a Good Sunday

I admit that this Sunday was not as good as it used to be. My mood kind a swinging, from one thing to another today I realize that I forced to smile.

It's my girl. It's kind a irritating to always listened to her when she talks about her weight and her body. Its already been I don't know. It's been years I guess that she always talking about her body and how to lose her weight. I already told her to take some exercise or maybe take a gym class after she's done with her office or maybe in the weekend. And guess what? She listened, and the next day she forget's it. Even if she remembers it, she won't do a thing about it. She always thinking "It's all because of the food." and she thinks she will lose her weight when she reduce her food portion. I told her it's not about the food that you ate, it's depends on how you manage your life.

I already told her how to lose weight and how to shape her body, but then again she only listen and not do a thing. Day by day and its getting worse. Today, this afternoon, she slept at my room. I'm kind a happy but extremely worried. She's snoring, maybe for anybody that hears it will laugh but not me. I'm worried by the way she snores. It's not normal.

And then her skin got scratch by the nails that hanging on the walls this morning. Ok, it's not a problem for a moment. Just then, few hours ago I take a look at her wound and the blood was not yet drying and it's only one thing. Sooner or later she will have a diabetic problem. And she's also easily feels sleepy and I'm getting sure that she's gonna have it if she doesn't change her way of life. Oh one again, Her family got a diabetic histories.

She keeps talking that she doesn't want to be like that (obesity person) but she doesn't do a thing about it. Oh God, what am I gonna supposed to do? I already gave her an example, myself. And she realize that she doesn't wanna live like a person who suffer obesity at any level but one she doesn't have. The will to act. She lacks of it. I myself already lost few kgs and my waist size is smaller. I already take her to do some exercise together like jogging, swimming, aerobic, and much more but guess what? Ya for a week she will do it constantly, but for the next week she will talks "Oh sorry I forget" or "I've got no time for doing that today" and any other excuses.

That's about the diabetic problems. Usually, people who already suffer obesity had a few health problem. It was not only diabetic, but cholesterol issues, respiratory system issues, and many other issues. Cholesterol can be controlled by some medicine and manage your food consumption; Any other issues to but not diabetic issues. Once you've had a diabetic issues your life is depended on medicine and you will lose you organ one by one and slowly if your body do not have any kind of external wound. If you got some, then probably you must manage your glucose on your blood to make your wound heal but as far as I'm concern, our body needs glucose to keeps us still alive and more again, the probability risk of losing life when having birth is twice than normal.

Am I must used some force to make her to do the "ACT"? It's not about the shape of her body or what is her weight that I'm worried, but her health. That's all. If only she balanced her life with some exercise that she do constantly, maybe I'm not stressed.


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