Respect The Nature!

Yesterday we just watch Jurassic World movie in cinema, akhirnyaaaaaa dapet tiket juga setelah 3 hari berturut2 mendatangi 21 di "Mega" mall. Hahahaha...

Turns out to be so excited and magnificent movie, Spielberg is the MAAAANN!!!
I think I just remembered from the first Jurassic Movie : Jurassic Park. At that time, it was so amazing, back then I was a small kid and for the first time I had the first picture in my mind about dinosaurs. So amaizing! hahaha... First time? Really? Yeah, since kid I dislike books but I don't mean that I totally hate books, nope I love certain books. Truly! books like...
Apa ya...???

Yeah whatever...

Ok, back about the Jurassic World. Di film ini menceritakan mengenai masa depan dari sebuah mimpi of John Hammond, the first creator and founder and also the person who had idea of this 'awakening dinosaurs world into reality and as a theme park'. Of course the idea belongs to Spielberg who creates the character of John Hammond, no question about it. It was organized and it all was arranged, but the question is with all of that arranged and organized, is that what nature wants?

hahahaha... Just guess it and watch it. It's one of great movies according to me. But the interesting part was the connection between Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) and his Raptors. I don't say that the Raptors is his pet, but he looks like makes them like it but with 'respect'. In Jurassic World, Owen has trained the raptors since they was just born, it means that he build the connection between them for so long but still the raptors couldn't keep the instinct of hunter even for someone who were with them since the beginning. Their hunter instinct is not gonna wiped from them as long as they live even if they are trained to be not a hunter, it's their nature.

This reminds me about our pet, our plant or anything that belongs to nature. Selama ini yang g lakukan adalah melatih atau membuat mereka menjadi seperti yang g mau, with all of my might I do anything to make them to obey my orders or to make them grow as I want them to be. I was wrong! Big wrong!

Who am I to make them arrenged in order?
Who am I to give them orders?
Who am I to make them mine?
God build this natures (realm) to help us achieve our purpose, and in my opinion, not to rule them.

Speaking of which, maybe I need to start to learn to appreciate and respect them as our partners or maybe family, as some of our way to make our way for a better home.

Gileee... Sekali lagi kok g berasa bijak bener ya... Preeeeeeet...
To say or to write is much easier than doing it, that's the reality. Yup, it's all harder when we are faced to the reality. And then I just say "Just walk it and keep saying 'even so!' ".

"Trust in possibilities within"


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