Steping Stone

6 bulan sudah kami bergelut didapur dan di warung kami yang bernama Warung Garasi dan kami belum bisa mencapai target yang telah kami tetapkan. Yup no matter how it goes or how it ends we still need to walk the path, step by step, as long as we're taking steps, I think we will be fine in the end. Hopefully.

But after all we've been through with our Warung Garasi, we've gaining something. Thank God to these chances to cook, to look their smile, to serve lovely people, to taste our own sweat, to embrace our own taste, to feel sad, to get mad, to learning people sense of taste, to adapt, to learning how sensitive they are, and other things that I forget to mention but the most important is thank God that we (me and my wife) are more bonded.

Taking steps...

My wife already find her way to get a job, and she already got one. Thank God to that! While me?

I still want to build something. Right now, we are working out the recipe but we will using our Warung Garasi logo and social. Even it's been closed down but doesn't mean left behind. That's our brand, and we will start everything from there. hahahaha... That is my idea.

But then again, here and back again, we are at our favorite local cafe. hahaha... And this time me with Iced Milk Tea and my wife with Iced Tea. These days, the heat really really makes us sweating more and more... ough!!! For me, it's not only sweat from my skin, I barely could feel this clear sticky liquid drips down from these two tiny dark cave who called The Nooouusseee... This is one thing that I didn't found any solution. When in Jakarta, I rarely have these gift. Why I call this a gift, because this is the sign that my body need to be treated more. Either need some exercise or need more rest. Sroot Srooooot srooooooooot... hahaha... Ok, In Jakarta, it's easy to sleep again or to do some running in neighborhood. But in here, slept with aircon helped with some smoke from some idiotic who willings to deliberately blow some wind of fire to some dry forest because of sum of money from some people who feels have the POWER!!! Nice one!!! I really hopping that someday, that SOMEDAY a tragedy just like in the "The Day After Tomorrow" will happen!!! But not on some continent only, I hope it's happen to all region in this world!!! It just like a hard reset on your smartphone.


That was things that passes on my mind...

Maybe on my mind only... 


Ok, for some minutes I forgets my flu... Hahaha... This "ingus" keeps dripping and dripping... I don't know if these white form in sky whether clouds or smokes. Yeah WTH... My nose need to adapt more with these weather.

Yoooo Puppiiieeeesss... Where are yoouuuuuu!!!!
Cmon cmon cmonnn...
#Sroooot #Srooooot #Sroooot

In this opportunity, I just want to deliver this message.
"Terus Berkarya, tunjukan kepada semua apa yang bisa kita ciptakan!"

Thank You

nb: mohon maklum klo judulnya ga sesuai, itu yang pertama kepikiran di otak g. Trims.


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