First of all, about my last post when I was talking about the arrival time of our new family member, I'm sorry it was not accurate. Hehehe... Turns out to be a lot faster than we thought. Ok here's the story goes...

Wait a minute!!! What is that!!!

Ok, Here's the story...


Ok then, let me start this...

It began when we're planning to have a dog before we having a baby. Me and Lina already been discussed about what kind of dog will we having to. I prefer to have a local dog or any dog that's not having a long hair and Lina wanted a dog that have a long hair such as Retrievers, Maltese, etc. We ended up to hand it over to the faith. For now it's end of story.

End?! Really?!! No it doesn't... Lina ask me about this Corgi kind of dog, and when I look at it, it has pretty long hair... So, I said no. But then she founds out that there's a Corgi just having birth nearby (Oh noooo!!!!). Lina wants it so baaaaaaad!!! What can I say??? Of course I can't say no to her, and then we visit the Corgi's, when we first saw it, yeah you can tell, It's small form of puppy makes all of the cuteness come all over... Hahahaha... From the first time we decide to take the female one, and then we take the female Corgi but not that day. It needs time to separated the puppy from its mother. I'm saying to the owner for at least takes two whole months for the puppies breastfeeds from its mother and the owner agrees. After that, off we go.

We work like we used to, does things like we used to until 1 week ago (approx. more than 3 weeks from the due date.), we've been informed that we must take the puppy ASAP! WHAT!!!! OOOUUU MAAAIIII GGAAAAAADDD!!!! (Ko tiba2 keinget suaranya Janice... #Friends).

Panic panic panic panic.... We are not ready!!! We haven't ready for her bed, we haven't ready for her bowl, and etc but like many motivators has said, the power of "kepepet" makes us greater than we used to and it is. I've done her bed for only less than an hour using only scraped material that my eyes found... Hahaha... Ok, it's all prep up. Now it's only about retrieving part. That day, we (I mean we and the dog owner) agreed that we will take the dog at 7pm but when we came, turns out to be the owner cannot make their promise, they said it through their representative. Ok then, It's all right, we can take it tomorrow at 5 pm. and so it does... At last!!! She arrived at our house!!! HAHAHAHA...

There she iss!!! and Her name is MIKO.
please don't ask us why her name is Miko, It just passed in my head the first time I saw her.

One week she's been in our house and she's been chewing our fingers, our table, our cloth, our jeans, our doormat, our shirts, and hell of stuffs, you name it! Hahahaha...
But, the difference we felt that our house is more alive than before. But one thing, when many people like this form of puppy, but for me, I can't wait until she's grew up. Don't know why, but I like it that way.

#suamiganteng and Miko Selfie
This time, there's three of us inside our little home, can't wait to become four or five of us.

Terima kasih.


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