Spontaneous and Reason

Hi hi... :D

How y'all doin?
Healthy and Wealthy I hope...

These hazed air in here is not getting any better these days, even I felt it's getting worse... Since there's this smoke came around, many people complaining about their health. The clinics in here was getting more crowded than before, some medicine runs out makes some people who had difficulties on their respiratory system becomes more suffer. Pity for them, but what can I do? Me myself also strugling with this body, along with the increasing smoke thickness level my health also getting weaker... Hmm... Yaaaa... As long as I'm still breathing I could stay positive as I could.

This morning, when I'm in warkop (morning routine) seeking for some extra flow hotspot to began my day, I heard some old folks talking each other and I found it a little bit funny... hahaha... At first, they was talking about some new phone (let's say Iphone and Samsung), they talking out loud until came up a debate between to groups... While they were debating, I had these quick peek (since they was in my left and very close), and what I found next would be very very interesting!!!

Set dah... Ngomongnya soal ipon n nyamnyung tapi mereka sendiri masi pake bb n hp gsm yang bisa nelp sms doangan... Wkwkwkwk... Mau ngakak rasanya... WKwkwkwkwk...

Ya ya ya... begitulah kelakuan manusia... Sangking uniknya sebagai mahluk ciptaan Tuhan yang paling sempurna... Sempurna dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya... Amin?! AMIIIINN!!!

Tapi disamping itu semua, I still hearing some folks complaining about their store salesment. yup yup... Sepertinya hampir disemua sektor penjualan yang berhubungan dengan produk jadi mengalami penurunan, I heard from my wife that there's this computer hardware store that before the USD climb up they could sold more than 900 (nine hundred) units in a day. That numbers was so impresive but now, since the USD keep climbing up, they felt so gratefull if they could sell 100 (one hundred) units in a day. Could you imagine that!!! And so does some other business. Electronics, hard materials, culinary, until property had the after effects. Nilai dari beberapa properti yang turun, contohnya beberapa rumah yang tadinya dijual diatas 1M sekarang mereka nurunin harganya jadi 9ratusan sampai 800 ratusan juta... Phew... This makes me really really stepping or maybe we could say this as drifting away from my comfort zone and also getting more challenging than ever... (Stay positive!).

Eh iya... hampir lupa, tadi pagi sempet vidcall ma temen2 versa (my former office). They were asking why I was contacting them not only using chat room but using video call. First of all, I didn't call them for a reason, when I want it, I just do it. This morning, when I wake up, their faces was pop up inside my head, and makes me want to contact them. But if you all insisting for some reason, I just only have one answer. I missed them.

It was so happy to see again their smiles, makes me want to get near them again.  I still remember their smiles until I done typing this. Lebih seneng lagi ketika g melihat adanya peningkatan (in many aspects). Yang keliatan ni tadi ya... Maul punya hape baru (walopun masi ditaro ditempat yang sama ma hape yang dulu sampe layarnya retak... hahaha...), beberapa orang yang mengalami kenaikan berat badan (ya ga Bar, Bib, Dit, n pak Zul... G sih ngrasanya gitu... keliatannya yaa... hehehe), botol minum habib yang katanya baru (ko mirip yang lama ya bib?), Rara yang 5 bulan lagi punya buntut (smoga lancar yaaa...), mba Yanti yang makin oke aja nih, bang Togel yang keliatan awalnya doang (hahahaha... Habib masi suka meluk ngeremes bang Togel ga?), masbro Erwan (ko ga gemuk2 si masbro? Perasaan yang masuk versa rata2 berat badan langsung naik...), Indah yang makin sombong (#peace), n anggota lain yang tadi keliatan tapi belom sempet sapa n cium ma g...

Kapan ya bisa ke Jakarta? Hmm... This weekend??? Weekend ini memang ada sepupu g nikahan sih, tapi masih harus mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor yang melibatkan realita tentunya. I'm so sorry guys, I also have a lot to talk about with you guys terutama angkatan yang barengan ma g dan tentunya bang Gabon yang udah ngajarin banyak banget hal dan masih banyak yang perlu g pelajari dari beliau as a leader and also from you guys too, but then again, I still couldn't gave you all a promise, but I promise you this, next time I went to Jakarta I will have a visit to Versa Office.

Embracing the happiness when remember those days with you guys... If I may say, at first, working with you guys is something that I really couldn't expected but instead bring forth the most comfort and the most fun office I ever had. I brought the word "Family" and for one or two moment I think I was failed to bring up these "family" word. I'm so happy here knowing that that isn't just a word to hang around in some walls. Thank you guys. (FYI I still kept the Versa shirt... Hahaha...).

But, no matter what I still have much intention to go to Jakarta and met you all... Hopefully this could become a reality in near of the end of this year. Or maybe this weekend... Hahaha... Mari beriman!!!

Oiya, klo ada proyek bagi2 yak... Hahahaha... 

Back to reality, I still have to work out on my detailings. Still bad at this but I'm making some progress

Thank you guys, you all light up my day!

"Whatever happen, if there's some movement even it's only less than an inch, it was called progress. And where this progress goes to? No one knows, but sooner or later, I believe it goes to makes us better and better." -HB-   


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