Jakarta #02 : Touchdown Jakarta!
Hmm... ga keitung ni lagu uda g replay brapa kali...
Hahahaha... Like her voice!
Good Day Y'Aaaaaalll...
As usual, I don't expect to receive "fine" to be an answer, but it's still acceptable if u keep answer it with that word. Ok, I'll start my story.
Touchdown Jakarta, that's not the first word that came up in my mind when first landed in Jakarta. "Fuck!" its the first word in my mind when first touchdown in Jakarta. I really hate when I must got back to some place to face some problems from my drenched past but some says that no matter how far or how fast you run, they will catch you up. I don't know if its right but right now that was happen to me.
From haze to haze, In Pontianak there's this haze from burned land around and inside Borneo, but in Jakarta there's this haze from industrial and people pollutions (maybe). Contacting my wife and closest friends (Unank n Teten) is the first thing I've done when already in outside the plane. Waited long enough in plane park area until the next bus arrived, maybe around 20 minutes we (me and other passengers)'ve waited and I saw few passenger looks upset and can't understand with this condition. Yeah whatever lah yaaa... And at last the bus arrived and turns out to be the road that we must through was quite far. Approx. 10 minutes for 1 trip, no wonder we waited for so long.
Meeting two familiar smiles (Akbar n Erwan) outside of the departure gate makes me felt "Yeah, I'm back". After that we straight shot to their place and met one more familiar smile (Bang Togel) and chit chat for some moment and also have a supper until we rested. Next morning, I've planed to get some word with my former leader (Bang Gabon) regarding with my situation right now. And yes, we've got some great conversation and get some great advise from him and also being told about his story about building up his company from the very start. Sometime I'll share it but right now I only wrote it on my personal note. Before I have this great conversation with great person, I met all member of versatech company. Old faces and some new faces, we met, we talk, we hug, and we jokes around. It's happy to see them growing and happy also.
As the day grow older, we got this session called "sharing session", this session was meant to improve and share the knowledge and skills of every member in versatech company. And for some reason I was asked to help and shared some of my perverted mind. hehehe... I helped, but only a little... very little until you can't see or feel it... hahahaha... But that session makes one hell of entertainment in my life. Thank you all.
Ok, I'm telling this now... I hate to keep some information that maybe could be useful for every each one of you. It was started when I'm telling Bang Gabon about my real condition in Pontianak. I'm telling about how we started our warung makan, telling about how we maintain ourself, and telling about how we closed down our warung makan. And then, he start telling about how he build up versatech. Maybe I can't tell this like how he tells me, but I'm trying to share what's the main point.
First, Companionship or shortly you can call it a Bos. Bang Gabon tells me that the main problem he face is stability. For employee or contract workers it's a good thing but as a businessman, it's not a good thing. With having some companionship, you'll forced to have responsibility to grow the company as a way to satisfy your Bos (Companionship). With him telling me this, I become understand why all this time he's compel with those companionship that at those time (when I was still working at versatech) I hate and always object those companionship and he keep it that way until now.
Second, employee. When you build something only with your mind and power, you didn't have any push or any hesitate about getting grow and the main target is... What? Stability! When you work alone, mostly will chase this word. Stability. Satisfied with stability is the main factor that makes your company stops from growing. Employee here, will makes or maybe force you to push up the company to grow because of the needs of employee that keeps on growing each cycle time.
Third, Satisfy. We all must have been heard about this, many books wrote this factor as one of the main factor. So, next!!!
Yeah it's done!
That's was all the technical but the most important thing is the inside of Bang Gabon it self. What I learn from his story is, his focused determination and maybe he's not an obedient and submissive to his religion but I saw a strong faith inside him. How?!
When he's telling me about versatech product, he tells me that at first he didn't make it for purpose, but he just make it preparing for unknown purpose. He dare to waited long enough until that unknown purpose become clear enough to see and also to take! Klo peribahasa di Indonesia mungkin inilah yang dikatakan "Sedia payung sebelum hujan". Tentunya ini ga akan terjadi tanpa adanya Iman yang kuat! Truth be told, I admired him. His brother was way more genius than him, but he has way greater faith than any other people. And once again I say this "Ni orang medan paling jujur dan yang pernah g kenal!!!".
-Berpasrah kepada Yang Maha Kuasa- kalimat ini yang lewat di pikiran g saat denger n menerima cerita dari Bang Gabon dan terlebih juga diingatkan oleh orang yang g ga sangka. Nanti akan g share di akhir seri ini. hehehe... Seri?! Iya dong, ga mau kalah ma sinetron! Hahahaha...
Btw, balik lagi mengenai keseharian g di Jakarta hari itu. Setelah sharing session berakhir, kita akhir sempet main DOTA2 sekali battle. ah padahal g pengen maen lagi... hehehe... But I decide not to continue playing since the time has arrive for me to go to Teten's office. And after that we gathered in Unank's place to rest. That was the plan, but after we get there we take some "jalan2" and supper and then dried up the night with playing cards. Just before all of that, when I get in Teten's office using this gojek service (it's quite nice ojek service actually), I was faced in this office nightmare... Hahahaha... sori nyet, tapi klo g sih bener2 ga menikmati kerja kaya lu, tapi g rasa lu sangat menikmati hal tersebut so... SALUUUUTT to you mate!!! Skali lagi g dihadapkan kembali kepada sebuah keteguhan hati dimana sahabat g yang satu ini sanggup menghadapi kerjaan yang bener2 sangat melelahkan hati dan pikiran demi kebahagiaan ortu n keluarganya... Ya disamping kebahagiaan sendiri juga sih... hehehe... Kapan maen futsal bareng yooook ato ga jalan2 ke luar Jakarta... Relaxing minds...
Thank you Guys, you all make me a person.
To be continued...
(uda kaya cerita seri aja nih...)
Lah, mang ini apa???
Smile and enjoy!!!
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