Jakarta - Mourn, Peeved, and Smiles

Hi Hi Awesome Readers...
I hope you all have a great motivation to run towards whole day and the next days!

Brrrrr... Cuaca Pontianak pagi ini dingin benerrr... Bener bener dingin ini... berasa kaya pake ac yang tempnya diset di 18... brrrrrrr... Sejauh mata indah penuh berkah ini (#Halah #Lebay) memandang langit ketutup awan tebal layaknya bed cover kasur... Udara begini tuh emang paling enak buat lanjut bermimpi diatas matras empuk plus ditemenin istri tercinta... Hmmm... namun kenyataan berbeda... Paling mungkin tidur diatas kasur ditemenin Miko (#hue)... Yang ada ga bisa tidur, secara Miko maunya maen mulu... Hahahaha...

Breaking News!!!
Miko uda bisa loncat ke atas kasur (WHAAAAATTT!!!)
(Masa tenang berakhir...........) (-_-)

SAT (02/06) - SUN (02/07)
Kurang lebih sekitar seminggu yang lalu g denger kabar kurang enak dari sang adik tercinta di Jakarta. She said that Tante Isye (Big sister of my mother) masuk rumah sakit karena diare n sariawan parah. N g cuma jawab "Ooo... Smoga cepet sembuh deh...". Disini g lebih khawatir ma nyokap, karena disatu sisi bisnisnya nyokap lagi down banget, malah tenaga dia diperlukan untuk merawat nenek yang di Lenteng Agung n skarang pikirannya pasti tambah kebeban. Yowes, G dari sini coba untuk support nyokap sebisa mungkin sampe g dapet kabar ga enak di hari sabtu pagi.

"Kak, Tante Isye koma..." Jiah, feeling g langsung ga enak... Duh gimana nih... Ysud, g jalanin semuanya seperti biasa sambil update info terus soal Tante Isye dari Anna (ade g) n Nyokap. Dan pada akhirnya kurang lebih jam 2 lewat g terima kabar dari Anna klo Tante Isye uda ga ada. Semua terdiam. Yang ada dipikirin g cuma 1, how to support my mother?. Lina bilang ke g supaya berangkat ke Jakarta, cuman g juga mikir klo g berangkat gimana Lina n ni dogi2 disini... Ga mungkin g ninggalin mereka n cuman dirumah doang since Lina still can't drive any vehicle until now. Sementara ga mungkin juga kita bedua berangkat bareng, dogi ga ada yang jaga n yang terpenting terkait kondisi ekonomi. Beh mayan pusing, tapi pada akhirnya, setiap masalah selalu ada jalan keluarnya.

Dan pada akhirnya g sendiri yang terbang ke Jakarta setelah memesan tiket on that day and on the last flight to Jakarta.

Ga sempet mikirin perlu bawain sesuatu buat nyokap or keluarga akhirnya cuma packing cepet. Travel light and fast. Nyokap bilang supaya g ga usa pegi ke Jakarta karena semuanya uda kehandle disana n pas nyokap ngomong gitu g uda mo boarding. Hehehe... It's okay, Whatever happens, I still going. Bokap sempet nelp, n cuma nanya "Heno dimana?", g bilang ya "Sedang boarding, nanti dikabarin klo uda landing." ok and that's it, he hung up the phone. And then I flew to Jakarta.

After landed, I straight to funeral home at RSPAD Gatot Subroto. Arrived approximately at 10 PM. When I arrive, there still some from my mother family and Dini (Enril's (Son of Tante Isye) wife) family. Thank God there's still many people. We got some major problems here regarding transportation and others but somehow we got it solved.

Sadness felt strong through out all of everyone who's been here. But when we all gathered together, every each one of us try with everything they could to cheer up each of us and somehow most of us could show smiles, laughs. Even deep in our eyes, black cloud and thunder still covered up our feeling.

MON (02/08)
Woke up on Monday morning, I didn't straight take showers and prepare for breakfast. There still some things from yesterday left in my mind. I can't continue to sleep either. Dreams makes me rewind back to some memories that had left behind. On this whole day, I intend to keep company with my mother and my sister. And we had such a great day, breakfast together, cook together, had dinner together. Awesome!
^(Clumsy Bobi)^

One thing I'm so angry about (If I could), My father can't (or didn't want to) come at Tante Isye's funeral. He already send his condolences to Enril through telephone and make some excuse that he had some meeting with people from House of the Representatives but in the other hand, he said to some of my cousins that he can't come because he's involved in some of his friend wedding committee. I don't know what to say about this, me, my sister and my mother felt shame and disgrace about this, and I'm pretty sure most of our big family disappointed with him.

And on the night, I'm taking some of my time to meet these two best friends. We talk a bit about this and that, and unfortunately I forgot to take some pictures. Ya pada dasarnya g bukan orang yang narsis sih jadinya klo soal poto poto seringkali lupa... hehehehe... 

TUE (02/09)
I felt my role on this situation almost done, on the 3rd night after Late Aunt Isye rest in peace, we are gathered once again to pray for her soul or once again to say goodbye with asking His guidance for the family that left behind. I heard that Enril still gloomy and have tend to silence him self, I do all I could to at least make him to talk even a bit. Thank God my efforts produce some good results, and the rest is up to him. I'm going back to Pontianak using first flight on Wed morning. On the night, I say goodbye to my mom, I know it's hard but this is live, we live, we also die, every things always had an end. Just smile, it makes almost everything better.

I need to mention that I met with one of my best friend here, he introduce me to his future wife (right now still girlfriend. Hehehe... ). I wish the best for you two. :D

WED (02/10)
Goes back home.


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