Miko Our Devilish Always Hunger Corgi

Good Morning awesome readers!!!
(seakan2 ngomong pake nada para motivator)
(setelah dibayangkan kayanya ga cocok... -_-) Ya sutralah yaaa...

hey yo hey yo whats ap ma brooooo... whazzap ma meeeenn... whats up yooo giirrrlllssss...
Hope y'all in such a nice form (form??? Whatever...)

This morning my mind glanced up on an old song, listen...
but before that, it feels much better when you prepare a cup of hot tea and toast bread (Imagine it when you enjoy those early morning in New York while ur nose sucking up those steely wet air like a dog sniff some of their poo (oops, sorry, I didn't mean that. Really! #innocentface). It's an old song but not too old, kind a 90's.
hmm.. after few thoughts, I won't tell you what was the song I mean... I let you guess it since I already gave you some of the clue... hehehehe... ^o^

But, after few thoughts again, I'll give you different song that maybe, once again I pressurize the word 'maybe', it could warm up ur days specially today. Kind of a new song actually.
I drew a broken heart
Right on your window pane
Waited for your reply
Here in the pouring rain
Just breathe against the glass

Leave me some kind of sign
I know the hurt won't pass, yeah
Just tell me it's not the end of the line
Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I never meant to break your heart
Now I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up

You drew a question mark
But you know what I want
I wanna turn the clock, yeah
Right back to where it was
So let's build a bridge, yeah
From your side to mine
I'll be the one to cross over
Just tell me it's not the end of the line
Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I never meant to break your heart
Now I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up

Girl, I know we could climb back to where we were then
Feel it here in my heart
Put my heart in your hand
Well, I hope and I pray that you do understand
If you did, all you have to say is
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm waiting for you
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I never meant to break your heart
Now I won't let this plane go down (let this plane go down)
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up 

Pengen rasanya sing out loud while dance with all of crazyness. hahahaha...

G mo crita dikit soal sebuah warna di keluarga kami.
Blakangan nih, g berasa tiap kali bangun tidur tuh ga berasa seseger dulu. What I mean is when Miko could ask or jump up on our bed. -_-. At least she wakes me up for 3 times on 1 night!!! -_-. Kaya tadi malem dah... Sebelomnya g perlu kasi tau dulu bagaimana Miko minta naek ke atas kasur...

Start Imagine!

She always asking with this stance...
 Combine with this kind of face which makes me annoyed but...
In the end always makes me bring her up to my side and she sleeps there...

It's all went well until!!!

Suddenly she wakes up shacking the bed as a sign that she want to have a pee. Daripada kencing di kasur ya g terpaksa bangun dah... N untungnya Miko uda bisa nahan kencing but not for that long. Kejadian ini berulang minimal 3x dalam SATU MALAM!!! Oh God!!! n sometimes dia begitu cuman pengen keluar dari kamar n minta maen doang... Ouuuhh Daammnnn!!! Thank you Mikooo... Grrr... Ini berlaku sejak g balik dari Jakarta kemaren... -_-

Ini baru Miko, smoga nanti saya dibekali kekuatan lebih disaat Lina hamil n seterusnya... Amin ^o^

Setelah dipikir2, Miko uda bersama kita selama kurang lebih 7 bulan... #smile Dengan perkembangannya yang cukup pesat. And just so you know that Miko is Anjing yang paling mahal n merepotkan yang pernah g pelihara, but instead of that, I must admit that she's the quickest one in order to learn our gesture and habit. ^-^

G jadi inget waktu dia pertama kali nyampe rumah.

After one month.

Look at her ears, begin to pointing upwards just like devil horns, devilish yet innocent face! (Miko Massacre starts!!!)

The next month.

And then few next month

Present day.

I just realized, how fast she's grew up. The little trouble maker is in da house yooo...

I guess we are lucky to have her on our family.
She's the one who makes us annoyed,
she's the one who makes us pretty occupied,
she's the one who makes us thinking round and round about many things,
she's the one who makes us really really troublesome,
she's the one who makes us spent some extra money,
she's the one who makes us can't sleep well,
but  she's the one who makes us both smile no matter what the reason is,
and above of all that, she's a member of our family.

See you in my next post.


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