Pontianak to Singkawang : Our First Trip

We are departing from home at 6 AM and approximately take 3 to 4 hours driving to Singkawang (according to some person who ever traveled there). Thank God, my wife have a such strong hearted priciple as a DJ instead of co-driver. And as was to be expected, One Direction, Justin Bieber, Ost. of some drama movies, few of very mellow songs, and some song that best for sleep mood colours most of our trip... #noddinghead #inhale #exhale #sweatyhead

Well, before this trip was began, we've planned it for... well you can say it few days before (or maybe born because of spontaneus action). After that, bla bla bla bla, and off we go!!!

With not much preparation, we off at 6AM. For the record, the road was not that bad, it is good actually. In my opinion, it was better than Jakarta to Bogor (without using highway) but it also felt longer too and as a matter a fact it is further. When I said better, I mean the road surface not the width. For the width of the road, it only fit for 2 cars (more or less) so it takes more patience and more courage if you want to go faster than anyone else. Ok enough about this road.

After through around 3 to 4 hours driving, at last we arrive at Pasir Panjang Beach. HAHAHAHA!!! Finally, BEACHES!!!

It's quite great isn't it...

After seeing, feeling and enjoying this, it reminds me to some beaches in Bali, sometimes later I wanna come back to Bali, sometime. Don't know why. But, forget about Bali for now, enjoy what you had. One mistake that we realize once we step on the beach, we didn't bring any extra pants. Hahaha... So we skip the very MUST part to do on a beach... DAAAAAMMNN!!! Next time we'll bring more than one. But one step before we get here, It's not free. There's entrance fee and it cost you IDR 20.000/person. Quite worth if I say.

Moving to the next point, we're hungry!!! so, instead of getting to another point of relaxing, we decide to fuel up our stomach!!! so we drive for another hour (more or less) to the city of Singkawang. It's Saturday, and in my opinion, it's quite quite quiet city. Different than Pontianak that has been pretty occupied these days. Since it's a smaller city than Pontianak, without taking much time, we easily find the road and our destination with the help of Google Maps of course. Without it, maybe we'll be lost, it's one of our key of braveness to explore new places. Hehehehe...

Without not so much typing, we arrived. And we order, and WE EAT!!!

"Perut kenyang hatipun tenang..."

Cape ah pake bahasa asing mulu, beralih ke bahasa ibu aja ah...
Sebelumnya g minta maaf mengenai info resto n makanannya, g lupa nama restonya tapi saat itu g pesen mie ayam bakso n istri g pesen bakso campur. Bakso campurnya pake babat n babi!!! HOHOHOOOO... dan mie ayamnya tentu pake babi!!! HAHAHA... Love daging BABIII!!!

Curcol dikit, emak g sering nyinyir ma g klo g ngasi daging babi buat Miko (our dog)... Wkwkwkwk...

Lanjut! Selanjutnya kita cari2 jalan menuju perhentian selanjutnya, which is makan lagiiiii... Kali ini istri g pengen rujak yang cukup terkenal di Singkawang. kita sempet puter2 daerah sana n uda ketemu patokannya tapi ga ketemu restonya yang ternyata gerobakan n pinggiran dan tentunya terpencil dalem gang kecil. Ya klo diJakarta itu model nasi goreng kebon sirih pada masa2 belom terkenal kaya sekarang. Mengenai rujaknya g ga sempet foto karena cukup rame n unstructure n unorganized order of salesment... hahahaha... Ya namanya juga gerobakan, yang jual suka lupa siapa yang mesen duluan ato siapa yang pesen apa... Sekali lagi g lupa nama tempatnya apa, istri g mungkin inget tapi disana g inget kita mesen rujak buah 1 (ENAK!!! n bumbu kacangnya berlimpah!!!), chai kwe (so so...), n es cendol (istri g bilang ini enak, tapi menurut g biasa aja... Perspective lah yaa). That's it, n then we off to our next point. Oya satu lagi, bongkonya ENAAAAKKK!!!! hehehehe...

Tanjung Bajau.

And as we expected, there's another entrance fee. A little bit expensive than the Pasir Panjang Beach, around IDR 35.000/person but for me this is very worth!!! Until at some point passed my mind if it's the entrance fee enough to pay all the maintenance of this place. Tempatnya gede n luas. Asli luas banget, mencakup pantai n gunung. bahkan didalemnya ada theme park, arena bird cage, pantai, zoo, kebun, dan puncak gunung. Tentunya, kita langsung menuju puncak gunung... hahaha... nih penampakannya...

Photographed at the top of Puncak Bajau

Setelah menempuh perjalanan yang lumayan panjang dan melihat pemandangan kaya gini, rasanya terbayar semuanya. Bisa merasakan deburan ombak, lembutnya pasir pantai, sejuknya udara pegunungan, dan tentunya ditemani sama the one and only, my beautiful wife. Eh ga keliatan pantainya ya? hahahaha... ya dibayangkan aja pantainya, tapi beneran, klo ga kehalang kayu bisa keliatan pantainya... Disamping pemandangannya yang quite stunning n clear air to cleanse your lungs, I must say that tempatnya kurang terawat. Terutama sampah. Once again, this issue comes on any places. G masi seringkali menemukan orang membuang sampah sembarang, mulai dari buang tissue dari dalem mobil, sampe buang sampah segede gaban ke kali dan dalam wisata kali ini, sampah disekitar bale2 (tempat nongkrong) padahal uda disediain tempat sampah. Ya inilah salah satu kendala dalam usaha memanusiakan manusia. Hahahaha...

Ok, kita ga bisa berlama2 disana karena pada akhirnya kita diusir oleh alam untuk bergerak pulang. Ya singkatnya, awan gelap bergerak cepat mengarah kita dan tadinya yang kita pikir ga ujan ternyata malah ujan deras sekali!!! Hahahaha...

Oya, I forget to tell, to reach to the top of Tanjung Bajau you can use your own vehicle, or you could rent some services that provided by the Tanjung Bajau, it will drive you to the top and drop you off for some time and then they'll pick you up again.

Since we're driven away by the rain, we go straight home. Dan hujan deras mengiring sepanjang perjalanan pulang (about 150 km drive more or less) and for me it's quite entertaining.

Well, it's one day trip, and we already leap for more than 300 km driving with our used car. There's no problem at all with the car, the road and the weather was entertaining, the view was stunning, the food was great, and it's hell of a weekend. The best weekend we've had since we moved here. I'm looking forward to bring some of my friends and families to this place.

Thank you.


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